Wealthy Mind & Prosperity 
Consciousness Intensive

Shift your Beliefs & Attract the Prosperity you Desire

June 11-12, 2021

Bringing Forth What Is Within You

Bringing Forth What Is Within You

A wooden sign with the words live your lifeOver the years my work has evolved and expanded in new dimensions. I find that my business and life is guided by a creative intelligence and is rooted in trust and abundance. As we learn to listen to this guidance, we invariably hear the unique calling we all have.

I firmly believe each of us is born with a unique purpose, and it is our job is to bring forth this purpose into the world; to be who we truly are.
It takes courage to be authentically you out in the open where other people can see you and potentially judge you.

In Stephen Cope’s book, The Great Work of Your Life, he paraphrases a statement taken from the Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas. It says, “If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth that which is within you it will destroy you.â€

When you are not fulfilling your soul’s calling you can feel lifeless, like you are just going through the motions to survive or receive a paycheck. As you surrender to your calling, there is an immediate state shift in your entire being. All the cells in your body rejoice, as if they are dancing in an ecstatic state. You are in alignment as you now bring forth that which is within you.

Many of us fear that if we really embody who we are, people will judge us harshly, write us off, or worse, never do business with us again. Opening up in this way means we may lose opportunities, which is frightening for any business owner. As a result, we end up contorting ourselves, using language we think people want to hear, or simply “hide out” while we go about behaving in ways we consider safe.

But I’ve learned something surprising. When you have the courage to risk being who you are, most people don’t run from you. Instead they are drawn to you. When you claim and own your uniqueness, your stand, your expertise, your brand promise and who you are as a leader, the people you are destined to serve have a much easier time finding you. You begin attracting the right clients. Your “tribe†finds you!

There is no one out there like you, and therefore, no one can do exactly what you do in the way you do it. There is no one on this PLANET who has the exact same experiences, talents, personality traits and characteristics threaded together in just the right combination that created YOU.

The world needs you to be YOU, without reservation, and without apology. There is a reason you have a “calling.†To deny that is a disservice to others AND to you. They are waiting for you to show up so you can make a difference in their lives—perhaps even THE difference.

Embrace it. It matters.

In love and partnership,





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