The Power of Being Authentic
Are you being the real YOU? Do you know who the real you is? Being authentic is one of the most powerful characteristics of the spiritual principles I use in my work.
Are you being the real YOU? Do you know who the real you is? Being authentic is one of the most powerful characteristics of the spiritual principles I use in my work.
As those of you who have worked with me know, I have been teaching 3 practices I engage in every morning that I consider to be non-negotiable in setting myself for success.
I hope you are using your time this Summer to give yourself space to rest and renew; to deeply reflect, be inspired, and perhaps spark some creativity as we enter the Fall season.
Every morning (before I do anything) I meditate and write in my gratitude journal the 10 things I am deeply grateful for. Following these two practices…
This week it feels appropriate to share a topic that is truly inspirational for me and one that is central to the principles I share with my clients; Generosity. Generosity is really…
How are you; I mean how are you really doing? My sense is that many of us are somewhat tired, exhausted even. Spending our days on Zooms. Then I returned from a…
Lately, I’ve been thinking about the relationship between our intentions and our daily distractions. If the goal is to create a more intentional life and business, we need…
How are YOU doing? That might sound like a very complex question, set against all that is happening in life! It is certainly easy to view our country, our world, and our…
By incorporating these 7 attributes into your life and business, you will find your gift and your vision as you move into the new year. It’s not as difficult as you may first believe…
As many of you know, one of my great passions is working with horses. One thing I love about working with them is that they can sense when something is not in alignment in us and…