How Do You Reflect on Independence Day?
This week we celebrate Independence Day for our country. As some of you know, my mother, Arax Sarian, passed away on Memorial Day of this year at the age of 98…
This week we celebrate Independence Day for our country. As some of you know, my mother, Arax Sarian, passed away on Memorial Day of this year at the age of 98…
Recently, I have been following the national news and reading the New York Times news feed quite frequently, behavior that is totally uncharacteristic of me.
Now that I’ve given you a sense of what Visioning, Goal-Setting and Visualization are, I want to share about how you can implement them to create powerful results in…
I am a strong believer in setting goals and visualizing them. From my own experience, the practical tool of goal-setting combined with the elegant technique of…
A couple of weeks ago, I shared a blog about integrity and alignment, and how you can apply it in your personal and professional life to create profound results.
Several years ago, my coach and mentor posed a challenge to his clients and program alumni nationwide. I knew that this challenge would be a contest asking us to submit a…
I hope you are enjoying your Summer with relaxation, play, musings, reflection and/or massive productivity. Summer is a good time for all of this. As an entrepreneur or…
I was inspired to write about the desire to keep expanding as I was driving back to San Francisco from Fresno, a couple of years ago, after visiting my elderly aunts-ages 101 and 92.
In the spirit of celebrating Independence Week, I am in awe, and draw such inspiration by the courage, leadership, and collaborative spirit that it took to create…
To have an abundant, successful and prosperous life, you have to have a powerful relationship with money. I know from my experience that it’s possible to sustain…