Here is What to Do When you’re Stuck

Here is What to Do When you’re Stuck

I have to admit when I sat down to write this message to you, nothing was coming through at first. Usually the divine has some message for me to pass along, eager to make its way through me and onto the page. Today, I had to ask, wait, be patient. I had to surrender and trust, and eventually the thread of an idea began to emerge. 

I know I’m not alone in this experience right now. In this extraordinary confluence of stress and uncertainty, it can be harder to connect with imagination while striving to simply maintain our health, safety, and sanity. But we can’t stop at or settle for simply maintaining. These times are fertile ground for imagination: the key to creating what we want to bring forth in the world. 

Notice that I did not say that, when nothing initially came to me today, that I tried to figure it out. Especially now, when nothing seems certain or secure, trying to use our own limited mind to put together a plan for the future is only going to get us so far. True intelligence must come from our soul. This comes to us by asking for guidance from the divine, surrendering to what comes in response, and trusting that it is the right direction.

Before asking, surrendering, and trusting what comes to us, we first have to create the conditions to make this possible. We can start by prioritizing our relationship with the divine, taking time out to be silent for five, ten, fifteen minutes, to give ourselves the spaciousness to hear the divine’s message regarding what is next. We can deepen our gratitude practice. We can set the intention to receive and recognize clear guidance about our future.

And we can enhance our success by taking these steps in connection with a community of others doing the same. Sometimes the guidance we get leads us to new territory that is unfamiliar or scary, so it can help us to trust when we see the concrete results happening for those around us. 

Personally, I have always found this kind of work extremely challenging to do on my own. I have built the programs and services in my business to support us all in doing this critical work together, inside of a community of loving support.

My 2021 Wealthy Mind Training and Consciousness Intensive is just such a space. It’s a container that has been pre-seasoned, if you will, with spaciousness, miraculous-ness, and connection. It’s a place to connect with our divine guidance and witness others doing the same. In this space of trust and surrender you will design the next iteration of your business and your life, acquiring tools along the way to help you stay connected to your vision and navigate these intense and uncertain times with ease and grace.

I invite you to take a few moments and sit with this invitation and see if it calls to you. 

It would be wonderful to have you join us!

Much love, Rita

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