What is your Money Mirror Type?


In my last newsletter, I spoke about how standing behind the value of your work and commanding the fees you deserve empowers you and your clients. In this article, we will show you how to increase your fees right now by looking at your relationship with money, where you are stuck in the four Money Mirror Types and what to do about it.

The Four Money Mirror Types are:

  • Boundaries Money Mirror Type (also known as the Pushover)
  • Courage Money Mirror Type (also known as the Procrastinator)
  • Deservability Money Mirror Type (also known as the Pleaser)
  • Love Money Mirror Type (also known as The Pretender)

Heal your relationship with money once and for all, start charging what you know you are worth and have the successful business you have always dreamed of. The world awaits the abundant sharing of your gifts and you making the money you deserve.

Boundaries Mirror Types (also known as the Pushover):

  • Frequently cave in when asked for a discount
  • Do not hold firm to prices
  • Often back down after quoting a fee
  • Trades services
  • Decide in advance how much someone can afford to pay

Breakthrough Belief: "I don't have the right to decide for someone else. Only THEY can decide for themselves."

Breakthrough Actions: Clients secretly respect people with boundaries, so if asked for a discount; remember that saying no empowers your clients to achieve better results as their respect for you is reinforced.

Courage Money Mirror Type (also known as the Procrastinator):

  • Rarely, if ever, raise prices
  • Has fear discussing fees
  • Keeps prices at the low to medium end of the market
  • Charges less than anyone else for even their highest-level package
  • Does not want fees or services to stand out

Breakthrough belief: “I was created to stand tall, as a tall poppy in the field."

Breakthrough Actions: Commit to raising your fees so they are between the medium and high end of your market. Keeping your fees low actually draws negative attention to you and your business.

Deservability Money Mirror Type (also known as Pleaser):

  • Overload packages with too many items
  • Give away services without charging
  • Fault themselves for not giving or doing more
  • Give more than what is paid for
  • Make themselves too available

Breakthrough Belief: "I am perfect right now. Just as I am".

Breakthrough Actions: Cut the deliverables, for all of your programs, in half. Your clients will actually feel relieved (instead of overwhelmed, as they secretly feel now) and you will feel renewed energy, creativity and joy in serving others.

Instead of faulting yourself for not giving or doing more, create a list of how you’ve helped the people you’ve already served. In addition, make it a priority to frequently collect testimonials from clients. Surrounding yourself with reminders like these will help you remember just how valuable you actually are.

Love Money Mirror Type (also known as The Pretender):

  • Frequently experience cycles of feast or famine
  • Charge higher fees but often doesn't have any money
  • Be prone to getting taken advantage of or being over-charged
  • Charge less than they know they could so as to not make waves, then gets resentful with themselves

Breakthrough Belief: "I help others by being a leader for wealth, achievement and abundance".

Breakthrough Actions: Challenge yourself to speak out publicly about your fees and your success. Be willing to be in the spotlight.

Let your quality and high service standards be what makes you special in your market. Let your fees reflect your standards. Playing small with your fees benefits no one. You are a natural leader, and your services are distinct. The more you accept this gift you were given, the more you can empower others to step into their brilliance.

Recognize yourself in any of these types? I would love to hear from you about what you discovered.


xo Rita

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