Gratitude Is A State Of Generosity

This week it feels appropriate to share a topic that is truly inspirational for me and one that is central to the principles I share with my clients; Generosity.

Generosity is really about love being expressed through the way that we share ourselves; our talents, our brilliance, and our gifts with the world. It requires showing up and bringing our presence to as many people as possible. As we do this, the clients and relationships we are destined to work with are naturally and effortlessly attracted to who we are and what we have to offer.

When we are generous of heart, we are participating in the dance of the Universe that involves exchange and reciprocity. In the spirit of the core principle that what we focus upon expands, we discover that as we become more and more generous, we attract prosperity, financial health, and true satisfaction in life.

In our businesses, this means being authentic in our marketing, putting our authentic selves out there, and making ourselves visible in a BIG way. This allows our skills and talents to become available to those who need us and are seeking us now.

It means being appreciative, as much as possible each day, for all the blessings you are attracting both in your business and in your life. (Try focusing on these blessings once each waking hour and see what kind of miracles and ease come your way!)

One of the most POWERFUL things you can do is this: locate the most affirmative place within yourself, and from that place give thanks for ALL the unknown blessings already on their way.

So, after you create your visions, and clearly state your intentions and goals, practice giving thanks to the Universe for these future outcomes, TRUSTING in advance, that you are receiving each one of them. Then let go of the outcomes and watch the magic happen.

Together we can live in the miraculous with this simple practice.

With love,


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