7 Keys to Creating a 6 Figure Business


Below are the questions that successful business leaders must answer to develop a 6-Figure (plus) Business:

1) Clarifying Your Niche

Who is your ideal client? What results do they get by working with you? Is your niche broad or narrow? Did you know that narrow is ideal?

2) Determining What Your Offerings Are

What issues and problems are your ideal clients struggling with that you have the solution to? Do you have clearly defined offerings? Do you have a way of formulating your programs and offers so your business is profitable?

3) Charging What You Know You Are Worth For Those Offerings

Many business owners undervalue what they have to offer to their clients. This shows up as undercharging and/or over delivering. What is your current mindset regarding your fees? Do you give discounts, back down when your fees are challenged, or fear that nobody will buy your services if you are charging what you know you are worth?

4) Having a Powerful Money Mindset

How you do money is how you do everything. Is your relationship regarding money one of faith, prosperity and abundance or of fear and scarcity? Having a prosperity mindset is key to a successful business in any economy!

5) Setting Financial Goals

Do you set a financial goal? How do all your offerings and their pricing fit in your overall financial goal picture? Is their clarity around your pricing and financial goals?

6) Developing a Clear Roadmap

What are the inspiring actions you are going to take to meet your goals? Do you have a step by step action plan to take you there or are you feeling overwhelmed and scattered?

7) Having an Effective Marketing Plan

Do you have a plan for how you are going to reach your ideal clients? How will they find YOU? Have you accessed all the online and in person opportunities for launching your offerings?

Successful entrepreneurs need these basic factors in place in their business. If you realize that you are missing any of these, I invite you to step into your expansion and invest in yourself by working with me in a VIP Day that focuses on you, your business and getting the necessary aspects in place so your business can soar. You will leave this VIP Day focused, inspired, in action and transformed.

Leave me a comment below if you would like to have a conversation with me about how your VIP Day will put your business on an accelerated trajectory!

xo Rita

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