Wealthy Mind & Prosperity 
Consciousness Intensive

Shift your Beliefs & Attract the Prosperity you Desire

June 11-12, 2021

Money and the Law of Attraction

Money and the Law of Attraction

Money is one of my favorite topics to speak about. I am passionate about people having their relationship with money work for them!

I’ve worked with thousands of people over the past 20+ years as a business coach, and I have found that people have a lot of insanity and suffering in their relationship with money. It shows up in experiencing not having enough money, not caring about money, being unconscious about money, overspending money, hoarding money, avoiding the whole topic of money, being greedy and having vagueness with money.

What I discovered in my work with people is that, for the most part, they don’t have a harmonious and balanced relationship with money. People have all these beliefs — the belief that money is bad, money is evil, spirituality and money cannot coincide, if you value money it means that you’re a superficial person, etc. There are some people that actually have shame around having a lot of money. They have a lot of prosperity, they’re wealthy, and they don’t like their family and friends to know about it.

If you can have a healthy and harmonious relationship with money and not have the dysfunctional and distorted beliefs around money, you’re going to be able to take the transformation that you have in this arena and bring it to everything else that you do in your life!

I want to talk with you about Money and the Law of Attraction. It is my intention to give you a template of how to attract money (as well as results) to you. And that is the key. How does one attract money to them? There are some fundamental laws that govern your being an attractor for money.

So let’s begin by setting the stage for being an attractor. What is the condition that YOU need to create to attract money?

First of all, you will need to value yourself enough to put yourself first. Why? Because you will need to value yourself enough to engage in daily practices that will create the field so that money is magnetized to you. There are disciplines involved. There is not a magic pill. It takes
focus, it takes intention, and it takes desire. So we want to begin to increase your self worth by your making a commitment to engage in the practices that create this powerful field.

You see, magnetizing and attracting more money to you is directly correlated to your self worth. The more worthy you experience yourself at a core level, the more money you will ALLOW into your life. That is why it is essential to release and transform your outdated beliefs that no longer serve you so who you are can show up! And who you are is someone whose birthright it is to be financially prosperous!

So Let me Begin by Talking about how to Create the condition for that Attraction to Occur for You.

There are 5 Key Practices that I have Identified that Create your being in the Success Zone with money! 

The First Key Principle is Meditation.

Now I know that you may be thinking, ‘Oh I am not a meditator’, ‘I just can’t sit still’, ‘I have tried it and it doesn’t work’, ‘I don’t have the time’ ‘what does this have to do with attracting money’? But Meditation is fundamental in attracting money. Here is the purpose of Meditation and why it is such an important part of my system of producing results of any kind.

1) Meditation aligns you with Source Energy/Universal Energy/The Eternal/God… use what ever word you feel comfortable to use.

2) Meditation connects you with your inner guidance, wisdom and clarity.

3) Meditation releases resistance and creates an environment that calls forth the results you desire to produce.It allows you to focus on your priorities and (and whatever you focus upon expands), keeps you centered, and helps you stay above the fray. In other words Meditation helps you in not getting snagged by the dramas of the day or obstacles or circumstances that occur that can be upsetting and take you out of alignment with who you are. You will find that you will not be taken down so hard by those temporary upsets. Meditation puts you in the success zone!

2nd Key Principle Is: Keeping an Appreciation Journal

Whatever you appreciate, appreciates. Appreciation actually Energizes those things that you appreciate. And again, whatever you focus upon expands-a fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction. The Definition of Appreciation is to increase in value. When you appreciate you are Multiplying energy and more results. It is also a powerful way to change your state to a more positive one. So the action to take here is to appreciate all the money that you receive, all the money you have — everything. Money in your checkbook, bank accounts, investments, etc. –everything. This also reinforces the law of ‘whatever you focus upon expands’.  Are you focusing upon your lack or your abundance?

3rd Key Principle Is: Keeping a Celebration log

I call it a celebration log because it is a place for you to Record and celebrate the results you are producing as you progress towards your goals. A lot of people wait to celebrate when they “get there” but the secret here is to celebrate often along the journey, not just at the end. Capturing your successes on a daily basis will train your mind to be a scanner for what is working in your life vs. what is not working or is missing. Celebrating your accomplishments from a Neuro Linguistic Programming perspective lights up your neurology and your neurology does not know the difference between a little success and a big success.

Whatever you focus upon expands, remember, so acknowledging your success has you attract even more successes and more money. This practice will quickly shift you from any negative state that you might find yourself in.

4th Key Principle Is: To do things that connect you with your joy and have you feeling good

Engaging in activities that bring you joy and that have you feel good will connect you with who you are!

When you are connecting to who you are, you become an attractor for results with ease. Working harder and longer has diminishing returns BUT when you connect with your joy you will experience ease and seamlessness in your life.

So find out what brings you joy and has you feeling good and start incorporating these things into
your life now.

5th Key Principle Is: Being in a community of people who actualize their dreams and their goals and inspire you to do the same!

This last Principle is where a lot of entrepreneurs, leaders and business owners (and people in general) seem to have a blind spot. They think that they can create a successful business or even personal life without being in a community where shared values are inherent in the community. Conversations will disappear unless they are kept alive, and they are kept alive through shared language. Being in a community with people that share the belief that they are the creators of their life, regardless of the circumstances, and have big bold visions puts one in what i call ‘the magical bubble’ where we are sequestered from disempowering and negative news, beliefs, etc.

Instead together we create a powerful, positive force field where miracles occur. Surround yourself with people who are prosperous, have a prosperity mindset, and know that they are the creator of their reality!

I want to take a moment here to mention that creating success with ease requires discipline, it doesn’t just happen.

You have to time block the principles I have talked about in your calendar.

You must make it a priority! You  ALSO want to make sure that you stay in balance where you are nurturing yourself with activities that energize you and make you happy.  Spending time in nature, exercising, good nutrition, drinking lots of water, and stretching during the day are just some of the activities that I recommend to keep you refreshed and creative in your business and your life.

These are the main tools I teach ALL my clients to use that will place you at the Leading Edge in life. These practices will put you at the Leading Edge to attract more business, more money, the right and perfect people that are in resonance with who you are, and more good things to come your way. There is magic afoot when you take the time to invest in yourself in this way. These Practices truly are the Secret behind the scenes of the enormous success I have had the privilege to experience these past 2 decades!

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