The Power of Being Authentic

The Power of Being Authentic

Are you being the real YOU? Do you know who the real you is? Being authentic is one of the most powerful characteristics of the spiritual principles I use in my work. Why is this so important?

There is no one out there like you, and therefore, no one can do exactly what you do in the way you do it. No one on this PLANET has the exact same experiences, talents, personality traits, and characteristics threaded together in just the right combination that created YOU. How magnificent is that? I mean seriously, when you stop and think about that, can you see how amazing you are?

A wooden sign with the words live your lifeWell, I do. Intuitively I see the unique brilliance in each of my clients and it is my job to help them see it too and then to put it out there in a way that attracts their ideal clients. There is no one else with your gifts and purpose in this life. You don’t do anyone any favors by playing small. Holding back who you are because of fears or any other reason does a disservice, not only to you but to all those you could make a difference with.

I know that it takes courage and boldness to put yourself out there and be authentic. It is not always easy to stand firm in your unique self. However, the rewards of prosperity and success are well worth the risk.

When you truly understand that it is your authenticity that actually attracts your ideal clients to you, you experience ease and joy in your business. This, combined with clarifying your niche, brand, marketing, purpose, mission, and overall business strategies provides the winning formula to create the prosperous business of your dreams.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself. Feel free to journal about them and see what comes up for you. No judgment! This is just an awareness-building exercise, so be honest.

  1. How do you “show up” each day? Are you unwavering in your authenticity? Do you share your true light with the world? Or do you dim your light by trying to mimic someone else who is successful, hoping it will bring you the same results?
  2. If you aren’t being authentic in your life, why not? Write down all the reasons why you think you can’t be YOU. Write down all your thoughts, beliefs, and the story you tell yourself about why you have to contort yourself to be the way you think other people want you to be.

Can you see how playing small is not serving you? Can you see how magnificent you are and that there is a place for you and your Unique Brilliance in this world?

The world is hungry for you being you. Being and living authentically is what will change our world.

So please, do us all a favor and step up, be authentic, express your true self, and create the prosperous, joy-filled life you have always dreamed of.

Love, Rita

Segment Intending

Segment Intending

As those of you who have worked with me know, I have been teaching 3 practices I engage in every morning that I consider to be “non-negotiable†in setting myself up to have a powerful and miraculous day; one where I experience being in the flow! These are 1) Meditation – which connects me to…Continue Reading

Integrity: Staying in the Flow!

Integrity: Staying in the Flow!

I hope you are using your time this Summer to give yourself space to rest and renew; to deeply reflect, be inspired, and perhaps spark some creativity as we begin to enter the Fall season. Lately, I have been thinking about the powerful transformation that happens for my clients through the work we do together…Continue Reading

Intention Setting

Intention Setting

Every morning (before I do anything) I meditate and write in my gratitude journal the 10 things I am deeply grateful for. Following these two practices, I write down my intentions for the day… and I do this throughout the day whenever I am transitioning to something new. Setting an intention harnesses the magic of…Continue Reading

Gratitude Is A State Of Generosity

Gratitude Is A State Of Generosity

This week it feels appropriate to share a topic that is truly inspirational for me and one that is central to the principles I share with my clients — Generosity. Generosity is really about love being expressed through the way that we share ourselves; our talents, our brilliance, and our gifts with the world. It…Continue Reading

Is It Time For You To Get Radical?

Is It Time For You To Get Radical?

“We don’t value rest – and to just BE. Once one goal is complete, we immediately move on to the next goal and don’t give ourselves time to rest and appreciate what we’ve done.” ~ Rita Hovakimian How are you – I mean how are you really doing?  My sense is that many of us are somewhat…Continue Reading

What Is Being Distracted Costing You?

What Is Being Distracted Costing You?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the relationship between our intentions and our daily distractions. If the goal is to create a more intentional life and business, we need to become more aware of how we become distracted, and how those distractions derail us from our intentions. Where are we allowing our time and energies to…Continue Reading