Wealthy Mind & Prosperity 
Consciousness Intensive

Shift your Beliefs & Attract the Prosperity you Desire

June 11-12, 2021

The Ultimate Gift~Keeping Your HEART Open!

The Ultimate Gift~Keeping Your HEART Open!

A wooden sign with the words live your life“For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.” 

~Rainer Maria Rilke


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” 


Happy Valentines Day! May the subject of love be especially in the forefront in your life and may you express this with all those who you come in contact with, especially today.

I really APPRECIATE the wisdom that Rilke and Rumi bring to the subject of love. It interrupts our tendency to project love as being something outside of ourselves, or a feeling that only certain people can elicit in us. It begs the question, if love is not a feeling, then what is it?

Rilke and Rumi challenge us to take responsibility for our projections that we place on others and look within to dissolve the defenses we have built to guard ourselves from experiencing love.

We have to be willing to gently dissolve the armor around our hearts, allow love to flow in and out, and most of all, be willing to look at ourselves, work on ourselves, and truly be open to love.

Love is a place we come from; love is who we really are. So if your “buttons are being pushed,” in certain relationships, bless them for showing you where you still need to accept, forgive and love.

This Valentine’s day, think about those relationships that you appreciate, and express your generosity and love.

Also embrace those relationships that challenge you the most. Then take a look within yourself and ask:

  • Why am I being triggered? Take responsibility when you are upset by another’s behavior, and instead of blame or making them wrong, answer the question of why you are being triggered. Where are the places inside that I need to work on, or to let go?
  • Where am I holding myself back and not being generous?

  • Am I truly accepting of those I love as who they are, or only as I want them to be? Challenge yourself to accept the way people are and the way they are not. Try doing this with the 2 people that you are the closest with.

For one human being to FULLY love another is the most difficult thing.

However, as we accept and are grateful of the challenges in our own personal growth, we will experience deeper and more fulfilling relationships with ourselves and with others. And we will achieve the ultimate supreme goal of the heart…compassion!

Happy Valentines Day!

Love, Rita

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